Privacy Policy

We ( take GDPR user privacy seriously and promise not to collect any personal information.

What are your privacy rights?

Depending on your geographic location, applicable privacy laws may mean that you have certain rights with respect to your personal information.

In Short:

GDPR in some regions, such as the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom (UK), Switzerland, and Canada, you have rights that allow you to have greater access to and control over your personal information. You may review, change, or terminate your account at any time.

Information collected automatically

When using this website, May automatically collect some log information, such as IP address, access time, pages visited, etc., but this information will not be used to identify users.
We may use some third-party services, such as Google Analytics, social sharing, but these services will not collect any information related to user identity.


Eebuye also do not use cookies and will not cause you any trouble of information leakage or misuse. We remind users to protect personal privacy when using the website and not to disclose personal information.

We have collected the following categories of personal information in the past twelve (12) months:


Category Examples Collected
A. Identifiers Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, and account name


B. Personal information as defined in the California Customer Records statute Name, contact information, education, employment, employment history, and financial information


C. Protected classification characteristics under state or federal law Gender and date of birth


D. Commercial information Transaction information, purchase history, financial details, and payment information


E. Biometric information Fingerprints and voiceprints


F. Internet or other similar network activity Browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems, and advertisements


G. Geolocation data Device location


H. Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information Images and audio, video or call recordings created in connection with our business activities


I. Professional or employment-related information Business contact details in order to provide you our Services at a business level or job title, work history, and professional qualifications if you apply for a job with us


J. Education Information Student records and directory information


K. Inferences drawn from collected personal information Inferences drawn from any of the collected personal information listed above to create a profile or summary about, for example, an individual’s preferences and characteristics


L. Sensitive personal Information  



Have questions or concerns about GDPR?

Reading this privacy statement will help you understand your privacy rights and choices. If you do not agree with our policies and practices, please do not use our Services. If you still have any questions or concerns, please contact us at forbooksinfo Detailed explanation on Wikipedia. Maybe you need a detailed GDPR template reference!


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